Comments +

  1. Van says:

    I have been following you for years now. I’ve always gone back to your blog and maaan your 2 lovely babies are getting cuter and cuter each post.
    I’ve always thought that man she has a perfect body for a mommy of 2 and everytime I’m here I am inspired to eat right and stay healthy.

    Stay beautiful and awesome!

  2. Hi, Erica! I just came across this blog looking at beach baby essentials and I was pleased to find that you’re from South Padre. We’re born and raised in McAllen and have spent many weekends and summers at the island. We have our first child who is currently 8 months and we’re nervous about taking her to the beach and exposing her to the sun, but your post has made it very clear to me that there’s absolutely nothing to worry about. We’re actually moving to the island for the months of June and July as we transition out of Texas (husband is a PhD student so we’re moving again). Clicking through your blog was an absolute joy to read and I hope that your absence in blogging means that you are busy doing well.


  3. Van says:

    Hi erica! I hope you are doing well 🙂
    I really miss your blogging.

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