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I write this through the brain fog of an intense cold. Damian came down with it on the day of his first birthday party (go figure), and now I’m in the thick of it. I can’t remember the last time I’ve had one like this, but ughhh. It has been a busy last week or so. I know I say that a lot, but for reals. I’ve started working at the court house. I’ve mostly been following my Dad around and watching, but I’ve also had a couple of clients of my own. I’m currently daycare shopping for Damo. It’s a little less scary than I thought it would be (both daycare shopping and starting work). Most of the other lawyers I’ve met seem really friendly and willing to help, which is a relief. That being said, I’ve only had pleas and no trials yet so we’ll see how that goes when I get there. Either way, I’m excited to get a little experience under my belt. And starting to make my own income, of course. The downside is I won’t have as much time to devote to this little blog of mine. I see other working mamas do it, so I know it’s possible, but I think posting less often is inevitable. I have a few sponsored commitments I’ve made but after that I think I’ll try to wind those down a bit so that I can spend the little time getting back to my roots. I’m extremely grateful to all my readers who hang out even when I’m not being consistent! I love how I have almost the last four years of my life here. I love looking back at the places I’ve been and the things I was feeling through it all. I guess I’m just feeling reflective at the moment since Damian will be turning ONE on friday and my 28th birthday is a few days after that. I don’t have much to say other than that, though. I hope you all are enjoying your Spring (or Autumn if you’re on the other half of the world). Don’t forget to stop and look.

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