We spent another Christmas in Mexico, spending lots of quality time together and surfing the warm Pacific waves. It’s hard to believe that this exact time last year I felt the first signs of a tiny baby growing in my belly. Now she’s here, growing our family with love. Whenever we’re all in this beautiful place together I feel as though we must be in Heaven. Why can’t we live like this every day? I always dread the day when our trip is over and we have to return to the 9 to 5 system of the Western culture, where our family is separated by school and work for the majority of the day and week. But these trips always refresh my vision. One day we’ll be free of bosses and paychecks and schedules. We’ll use our time to create, build, and surf. To be together, working four ourselves and our community. I’ll carry this dream to 2018, and continue to plant seeds and nurture the ones that are growing. I’ll continue to sing these songs of freedom, with love and hope for what’s to come. Feliz Navidad y Prospero Ano.

Comments +

  1. I’m so happy you are back to blogging! I first started following along before Eva was born (and before my son was even a thought – he will be 3 next month!). You take beautiful photos and your words are always worth reading. Glad you’re back 🙂

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