Sand dunes are an extremely important aspect of Texas beaches. They provide a barrier against storms and strong surf and they are home to a diverse collection of flora and fauna. Sand dunes are very sensitive. They can be threatened by coastal development, trampling by beach goers, and natural processes. If we allow sand dunes to be destroyed, the beach might creep (or “encroach”) closer and closer inland which could have detrimental effects. Our local Surfrider Foundation is working to prevent this from happening by hosting a monthly Dune Planting and Restoration project. Volunteers help plant native vegetation, which makes the dunes more stable and less vulnerable to erosion. If you’re in the area and would like to help out, follow the Surfrider Foundation South Texas Chapter on Facebook. There are many opportunities to save our beaches. I took Eva to the last one and we had so much fun. Hopefully we can make it every month! Here are a few pictures from the December meeting…
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