I finally got to see Eva swim! She can go underwater and swim to the steps, which is pretty cool. The pool has been wearing her out so much that this week, for the first time, she put herself to sleep in her own bed for a nap. I usually have to wear her in my kitenge to get her to go to sleep and then lay her down in my bed, but not that time. Crazy! My little princess is growing up so quickly.

Damian is starting to fall into a nice little sleeping schedule again. I’ve been putting him down in a bassinet next to our bed at about 8:30. He wakes up at around 1:30 and actually lets me put him back in the bassinet after he finishes eating. Then around 4:00 he wakes up again but I usually just fall back asleep after he nurses and let him stay in bed with me for the cuddles. We both get up and go downstairs around 7:00 but he crashes back out for another half hour after his long morning nursing session and I get to run on my treadmill. ????

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