Well the upside of experiencing [at least the tail end] of my first real winter is experiencing my first real spring. Cherry blossoms are blooming all over Northern Virginia. I really wanted to head into DC for the festival last week but I never got around to it. As you’ll be able to tell from my weekly update, this week was pretty uneventful. It was busy spent running errands and trying to get last minute things ready for baby #2. According to the docs I’ll be 39 weeks tomorrow, which is the week I had Eva! I still haven’t seen any real signs of labor yet, though, so I’m not getting my hopes up.

Eva’s latest obsessions are still her Hello Kitty Easter temporary tattoos and her KidKraft kitchen Eva has also been loving the Kid’s Club at the gym lately. She actually requests to go there, and when it’s time for me to get her she runs and hides. I’m so happy about this, because for some reason she started crying at the Kid’s Club back in Texas and hated when I left her there. I hope this doesn’t happen here.

On Tuesday (according to US) or Friday (according to dates) I turned 38 weeks pregnant! Chyeah! Still no signs of labor, though. I had another checkup on Wednesday and the baby hadn’t appeared to move any lower. There was no internal exam performed, though, so I’m not sure if I’ve progressed at all in that area. I have been getting strong nesting urges (stronger than usual, at least). I’m really hoping he makes it on time!

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