Two and Three Quarters

Dear Baby Eva,

Three months from today you’ll be three years old. As crazy as it seems that you’re becoming less of a toddler and more of a kid, it’s hard to imagine you’re still less than 3 with the amount of times you’ve moved. It doesn’t seem to bother you, though. You now live on South Padre Island, and so far you’re loving it. It’s a trip for me to watch you run around on the same beaches I grew up on. I couldn’t be happier to have you back to the sea. And neither can your grandparents! I love that they get to spend more time with you. You just love visiting them. Whenever we leave one of their houses, you cry in protest. And then you almost always crash out, which is nice for me! Your vocabulary has exploded and you can be a little smart ass at times. I was arranging things on my desk the other morning when you looked up and asked in the sing-songy voice I use to teach you things, “What are you doing?” I told you I was cleaning. “Noooooo, ” you said. “You’re organizing!” Half the time I don’t even know where you get this stuff. You still love dressing up like a princess, but you also don’t mind grabbing blobs of goopy sand and chunking them as far as they can go. You love the stars and the moon and you’ve recently discovered sunsets. I really love this age. It’s hard sometimes, but it’s so much fun. I love you so much, little booger. Thank you for being mine.


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