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My Sweet Baby Eva,

You’ve really enjoyed your first full month living in Texas. From our daily walk to the beach or weekly sleepovers with your grandparents, you’re having the time of your life. We’ve started doing a lot of map work and learning about the continents and places you’ve been. It blows my mind how smart you are. You also have a wonderful imagination. You love pretend play. You make pixie dust on a daily basis, and every day you make me sit down so you can teach me the steps. You’re still obsessed with makeup and lip gloss and lotion and everything girly. But there’s nothing you love more than rolling around in the sand. I’ve started planning your third birthday party (only two months away now!) and I’m thinking of having it at the beach. March is iffy for weather, and last year it drizzled on your birthday, but I can’t think of anything that would make you happier! I can’t believe I’ll only have my little two-year-old for another two months. I still can’t believe how fast you’re growing even though it has been the general trend since you were born. That was yesterday, right? I love you my little princess. Thank you for being mine.


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