We honestly probably wouldn’t have visited Milan but for one of our really good friends here in Dar that happens to be from there, and our mutual friend that still lives there. I’m glad we did. The city is very unique and has a lot to offer. My favorite part about it was the magnificent gothic cathedral.
Here’s a few pictures from our sightseeing day around the city. It was nice to have a local show us where to go and where to eat and offer a place to recuperate for a few hours after a whole lot of walking.
Below are pictures from the Vittorio Emanuele II Gallery. In the center of the gallery there is a mosaic of a bull. Apparently it’s good luck place your heel on the bull’s testicles (which are now basically a hole in the ground) and spin around three times.
After checking out the gallery we headed to a nearby contemporary art museum. My favorite piece was this one, where the artist supposedly dooked in a can and sold it for thousands and thousands of dollars, just to make a point,

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