After over a year away I’ve decided to return to this little space. It’s time. A lot has change since I stepped away. I’ve changed. I’ve grown in ways I could have never imagined. I’ve awakened. And I finally feel it’s time to open myself back up. To use this blog as a way to create and to connect.

I’d love to write about all that I’ve been up to in the last year, but that will definitely take more than one post.
For now I’ll fill you in on some of the highlights…

Evita is now 4 (almost 5!) and Damian is 2 (3 in April!). Eva started pre-K at a local public school and Damian is still in daycare while I work. They’re both as adventurous, talkative, and lovely as ever. I’m so grateful to be their mama.

I found LOVE. The kind of love I always dreamed about but was never sure actually existed. A love free of insecurities, doubts, and pain. I found my self-reflection, my healer, my twin soul. <3

The two of us started a non-profit, Our goal is to spread the love and lessons of surfing by offering free surfing lessons to our community. We’ve also started a community garden and hope to teach our neighborhood the importance of responsible food choices for our bodies and the planet.

I’ve also started my own photography business, To the Sea Photography. I’ve had dreams of turning my passion into a career and I’m starting to watch them come true.

I’ve made new friends, lost some old. I’ve gained sisters. I picked up the guitar again. I stopped eating meat. Stopped drinking. Stopped obsessing over the gym. Started doing yoga. Surfing more. Painting more. Reading more. Life is brighter. More melodic. Colorful. And I’m so thankful for everyone who has been by my side along the way. ♥

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