Ariela Selah: Three Years

Dear Ariela,

Welcome to three- one of the best ages for sure. Really, though, you’ve seemed “three” for a while now! You are SUPER smart and talk NONSTOP about anything and everything. If you’re not talking, you’re singing. I just love hearing your voice. You still love playing with baby dolls are you’re very imaginative! You love to draw and you’re always drawing faces and people. Your favorite place to be is still in the water. Your favorite food is avocado.

This year you became a big sister, and I’m so grateful for how you have handled everything. You started your third year still nursing, but after a few months of having to share with your little brother you finally weaned. You now start the night in your own bed, but always manage to find your way to ours in the middle of the night. It’s not the most comfortable situation but I try and give you all the cuddles you need.

I love you so much my little rainbow. Thank you for filling my life with sunshine.


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