This was a very long week. I was a sick mama looking after two sick kids. My anxiety levels were high because I had never had a sick three-month-old before. I don’t remember Eva getting a cold until she was around a year old. Damian would get in these coughing fits where he’d gag so much that he’d puke. It was sooo scary. By Saturday we were well enough to go to Eva’s first kid birthday party. It was pool party and we all enjoyed being in the sun and water…

This was a hard week for baby Damian. He had a bad cough, a runny nose, and a double ear infection. We spent a lot of time cuddling, but still had a lot of playtime. This week Damian started rolling over from front to back again. He did it for the very first time when he was a newborn, but when his baby fat came in he couldn’t do it for a while. He’s been a good boy despite being so sick. He seems to be quickly leaving his newborn days behind.

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