Week two in Mexico was super fun. I’m finally starting to feel like my normal self after getting back into surfing and feeling all the sunshine on my skin. Whenever I’m in Mexico I feel so much healthier. My diet is better, my exercise level, and my well-being in general. The crazy thing is that our trip just got a little extended. This coronavirus is apparently no joke. Flights are cancelled and our whole county is on lockdown, meaning nobody can leave the house unless they’re getting food, supplies, or medical care. I’m still kind of tripped out about the whole thing, especially how quickly it escalated while we were away. I feel like my family was put here for a reason, and we just need to hunker down and take it easy until this all passes. I feel so blessed to be far from town with an empty beach, but my heart aches for those stuck in places they don’t want to be, or those who have nowhere to be “stuck” at all. Everything seems to be changing so quickly, everything seems so much more fragile. The best we can do is take it day-by-day, and use this time to rest, create, and pray.

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